The Valiant Infobase

The Valiant InfoBase Story

The Valiant InfoBase has been created by an ever increasing need by enthusiasts to find out what Chrysler Australia actually did during its production years.

Bill Papanicolaou, the creator of the Valiant InfoBase said “People today, more than ever are wanting to know more about their car, especially the cars history”. Initially Bills aim was to create a White Knight Special Register in 2000 to get an idea of how many White Knight Specials (WKS) were still out there. However during this time Bill had many enquiries from other people wanting to know how many other models of Chryslers were still on the road.

Other questions being asked by the Chrysler community were; “Where can I find the original engine? or “Can you tell me what chassis (car) this engine belonged to?” The answer; The Valiant InfoBase.Bill Papanicolaou’s aim is to gather as much information on the amount of Chryslers still in existence and balance against his complete collection of original records. Bill says “ Utilisation of database modeling can provide a complete picture of production number, variances and options. The data base is also capable of identifying individual options, registered, restored, wrecked, rebirthed or stolen vehicles”.

Bills says his aim is “to give enthusiasts a better picture as to what Chrysler Australia actually did on the production line”.

To maintain consistency of data the in the Valiant InfoBase a number of requirements need to be met in regards to accuracy. Overall this enhances the information available to all members of the mark.

Owners are asked to fill out a form detailing information such as; ‘Proof of Ownership, time of ownership, and the known history of the car’. Bill says, “Statistically, its important that basic information such as the owner’s date of birth. This allows us to see demographically what age groups are driving what models. This is another example of one of the many reports the InfoBase can produce.”

Another aspect of the InfoBase is its Photo Archive. Feed back of Chrysler vehicles can be added and supporting documentation such as original log books benefit the InfoBase by helping trace where the car was originally purchased and owner history.

This database of information gives current owners who ask us about the history of their vehicle a resource to find their pride and joys history. However the Valiant InfoBase is only as good as the information that people contribute. Most true enthusiasts would agree with Bill when he says “The more information we receive about vehicles the more able we are to answer questions. It’s like putting a BIG jigsaw puzzle together.”Security of personal information submitted and provided to the Valiant InfoBase is bound by the States privacy principles (NSW Privacy Act 1988). Owner Details are kept in strict confidence. In the event that parties wish to make contact, permission from each must be given from both via the InfoBase. This maintains individual security and privacy

For example, Bill says “ If an owner submits their details into the InfoBase and the engine number they submitted was the original engine of another InfoBase the members car, potentially, the owner could be advised the engine was being pursued by the owner of the vehicle body”.If both owners agree to make contact with each other, only then would the contact details be exchanged. Currently there is no national or international body able to provide this service to Australian Chrysler owners.

Apart from locating engines the Valiant InfoBase also has a reference centre. “This provides an excellent tool which deciphers Vehicle Identification Numbers, Engine Numbers, Option/Paint Trim Codes. This information can assist an owner who is interested in restoring a car back to original factory condition. We also have this material on hand also at the many Chrysler Shows we attend”, explains BillThe Valiant InfoBase mission is to cater to the needs of not only Valiants, but all Chrysler models in Australia including; Centura’s, PT’s Cruisers, Dodge, Hillmans, Galants etc…And as such the Valiant InfoBase plays an important part in the preservation restoration of Chryslers in Australia.

More Information

Go to the Valiant Infobase Site!

Valiant VK/CK Service Manual

This manual has been· prepared to provide service personnel with service information for vehicle models shown on the following pages. It covers many conditions that may be encountered with a listing of possible causes and remedies. Each section contains practical removal, repair and installation procedures. All information and product descriptions contained in this manual are correct at publication time. Chrysler Australia Limited reserves the right to make changes in design or to make additions to, or improvement~ in, its product without any obligation upon itself to install them on its products previously manufactured. In an effort to keep all Chrysler Dealers fully informed of changes and improvements in the models listed, updated pages for this manual will be supplied as they become necessary.

Download Here (133MB)

Bill’s White Knight Special

Bill Papanicolaou has had more than one White Knight Special in his time. This video is of the last one he had and has now sold.

Bill is the creator of the Valiant InfoBase said “People today, more than ever are wanting to know more about their car, especially the cars history. Quite often we have clients wanting to know if their past family car is still in existence. We have already found cars in this example and with the approval process of the people involved we have reunited these cars back to past family owners. “It’s a Family Tree for cars!”

“The VI database of information allows current owners who ask us about the history of their vehicle a resource to find their pride and joys history. However, the Valiant InfoBase is only as good as the information that people contribute. Most enthusiasts would agree with Bill when he says “The more information we receive about vehicles the abler we are to answer questions, it’s like putting a BIG jigsaw puzzle together.” Says Bill.

See Bill’s WKS Virtual Tour (Forward to the Past)